Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ftse Ordered By Market Cap

Always intimidation

Laayoune, Western Sahara
The 08 / Octobre/2009.

According to Mr Sidi Mohammed Daddach president of CODAPSO, Moroccan police cars are installed outside his home in Laayoune, Western Sahara located near Iraq, after his forced return border entered the Western Sahara and Mauritania with a group of Sahrawi activists so as not involved in organizing the forum in the liberated territories of Western Sahara (wilaya of Dakhla area)
Not only a safe seat is exercised over Mr. Dadach but also on other activists such as Mr Ahmed Sbai we say that the Moroccan police officer named Aziz Anouch Touhima with his brigade (one of the brigades of death) in the city of Laayoune made a visit to her family's home to threaten his family if he did not cease his work as an activist Saharawis. Mr Sidi Mohamed


Bien que le Comité examine, il déclare au public le suivant: 1/l'application des résolutions de la légitimité internationale, afin de permettre au peuple sahraoui d'exercer son droit à l'autodétermination. 2/la condamnations des restrictions systématiques contre les militants politiques sahraouis. 3/ La solidarité absolue avec le militant des droits de l'homme, le président du comité, M. Sidi Mohamed Daddach. Ainsi que les autres activistes objet des restrictions marocaines et avec leurs familles. 4/Ont demande la libération de tous les prisonniers politiques sahraouis dans les prisons du Maroc. 5/Notre appel à la pression internationale qu'elle soit exercée sur les autorités Moroccan desist from such violations. And expand the powers of MINURSO in the field of human rights in the surveillance area.

Committee for the Defence of the right to self-determination for the people of Western Sahara. CODAPSO.


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